Alcoholics Anonymous

in Tasmania, Australia

If you are looking for help with a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous is available in Tasmania.

Hobart (03) 6234 8711 or Launceston (03) 6334 7060

Weekly AA Meetings in Tasmania

Sunday 1:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Sunday 23rd February 1:00pm
    • Discussion
    Topic meeting
    Devonport Sunday Group
  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Devonport

    130 William St, Devonport TAS

    Across from Devonport high school next to Zambero's restaurant.
    Between Zambrero's a and Herb's Pizza.

    Directions to the meeting

Sunday 2:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Sunday 23rd February 2:00pm
    • Daily Reflections
    Live, face to face meeting
    Please observe the correct hygiene practices and social distancing requirement.

    Daily Reflections
    Launceston Sunday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Sunday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Uniting Church Hall Kingston Beach

    40/42 Jindabyne Rd, Kingston Beach TAS

    By car head from Kingston towards Blackmans Bay turn right at the roundabout onto Jindabyne Rd, drive to the top of the road then turn left into the Kingston Uniting Church.

    Directions to the meeting

Sunday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Salvation Army Bridge Rehab

    63 Creek Rd, New Town TAS

    Follow the signage to the rear of the building.
    Do not ring front doorbell.

    Directions to the meeting

Monday Noon AEDT

  • Next meeting Monday 24th February 12:00pm
    • Discussion
    Recovery meeting:

    NOTE: Venue change:

    All Saints Church
    339 Macquarie Street
    South Hobart 7004
    Hobart City Monday Group

Monday 12:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Monday 24th February 12:30pm
    • ID format
    ID meeting
    Burnie Monday Group
  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Burnie

    57 Mount St, Burnie TAS

    Halfway between beach & McDonalds.
    Enter through car park at rear.

    Directions to the meeting

Monday 1:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Monday 24th February 1:00pm
    • ID format
    • Literature
    Helga 0488 377 412
    Dave 0418 346 426

Monday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Devonport

    130 William St, Devonport TAS

    Across from Devonport high school next to Zambero's restaurant.
    Between Zambrero's a and Herb's Pizza.

    Directions to the meeting

Monday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    St Francis Xavier's Catholic Church

    61 Adelaide St, South Hobart TAS

    Enter hall at rear of Church via Anglesea Street.
    Car park off Anglesea Street.

    Directions to the meeting

Monday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Monday 24th February 7:30pm
    • Daily Reflections
    Daily Reflections
    Launceston Monday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Monday 8:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Monday 24th February 8:00pm
    • Discussion
    Topic meeting
    Kingston Monday Group

Tuesday 10:00am AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Lindisfarne Masonic Centre

    Lindisfarne Masonic Hall, 8 Beach Rd, Lindisfarne TAS

    The Lindisfarne Masonic Centre Is 8 Beach St on the roundabout of Gordon’s Hill Rd.

    Directions to the meeting

Tuesday 5:30pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Devonport

    130 William St, Devonport TAS

    Across from Devonport high school next to Zambero's restaurant.
    Between Zambrero's a and Herb's Pizza.

    Directions to the meeting

Tuesday 5:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Tuesday 18th February 5:30pm
    • Discussion
    • ID format
    Tina 0400 153 649
    Dave 0418 346 426

Tuesday 7:00pm AEDT

Tuesday 7:30pm AEDT

Tuesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Tuesday 18th February 7:30pm
    • ID format
    ID meeting
    Launceston Tuesday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Tuesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Tuesday 18th February 7:30pm
    In-person meeting resumed Mar 2022
    North Hobart Tuesday Group
  • Attend in person
    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    2 Swan St, North Hobart TAS

    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 7:00am AEDT

  • Attend in person
    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    2 Swan St, North Hobart TAS

    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday Noon AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 12:00pm
    • Open
    Meeting due to open Wed 02 Mar 2022

    ASCAL: A Second Chance At Life.

    General readings and discussion.

    A new group all welcome
    ASCAL Group

    Contact: Peter

    Phone the group
  • Attend in person
    Lions Club Building

    13 Esplanade, Queenstown TAS

    First left after Bridge leaving Queenstown

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 12:30pm AEDT

Wednesday 6:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 6:30pm
    • Big Book
    Notes: A Big Book study meeting, incorporating the study guide "A Program For You". Contact No: 0466 154 823
    NEW MEETING TIME! As of Wednesday, 1st January the meeting time will be from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
    Phone the group
  • Attend in person
    Richmond Supper Rooms

    54 Bridge St, Richmond TAS

    Behind the Richmond post office entrance on the Green

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 7:00pm
    • ID format
    Contact: Mick 0428 259 776 or Jennifer 0459 945 545
    ID meeting
    St Helens Wednesday Group
    Phone the group

Wednesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Devonport

    130 William St, Devonport TAS

    Across from Devonport high school next to Zambero's restaurant.
    Between Zambrero's a and Herb's Pizza.

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 7:30pm
    • Step Meeting
    • Tradition Study
    Steps & Traditions meeting
    Launceston Wednesday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Wednesday 8:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 8:00pm
    Topic meeting.
    Sandy Bay Wednesday Group

Thursday 1:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Thursday 20th February 1:00pm
    • ID format
    • Literature
    Tina 0400 153 649
    Dave 0418 346 426

Thursday 1:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Thursday 20th February 1:00pm
    • Discussion
    Discussion meeting
    North Hobart Thursday Group
  • Attend in person
    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    2 Swan St, North Hobart TAS

    North Hobart uniting Church ground floor

    Directions to the meeting

Thursday 5:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Thursday 20th February 5:30pm
    • Big Book
    Meeting open to all.

    Big Book discussion
    Launceston Thursday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Thursday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Thursday 20th February 6:00pm
    • 12 Steps & 12 Traditions
    • Big Book
    • Spiritual Concept
    The aim of this meeting is to provide AA members a space to grow their spiritual fitness by studying the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12x12.

Thursday 7:30pm AEDT

Friday 10:30am AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Dorset community house

    North East Community House, 3 Cameron St, Scottsdale TAS

    Please enter via side entrance on left side of building

    Directions to the meeting

Friday 2:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Friday 28th February 2:00pm
    Women, In-person
    • Literature
    • Meditation
    • Women
    Meeting on the last Friday of every month only

    Nicola 0423 140 972

Friday 5:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Friday 21st February 5:30pm
    • Discussion
    Entrance is through white doors at side of building

    Topic meeting
    Hobart Friday Group
  • Attend in person
    Wesley Hall Hobart

    58 Melville St, Hobart TAS

    Ground floor
    Entrance is through white doors at side of building

    Directions to the meeting

Friday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Friday 21st February 7:00pm
    Halfway between beach & McDonalds
    Burnie Friday Group
  • Attend in person
    Baptist Church Burnie

    57 Mount St, Burnie TAS

    Halfway between beach & McDonalds.
    Enter through car park at rear.

    Directions to the meeting

Friday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Friday 21st February 7:00pm
    St Marys Friday Group

Friday 7:30pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Friday 21st February 7:30pm
    • Discussion
    Discussion meeting
    Launceston Friday Group
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday 9:30am AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 22nd February 9:30am
    Women, In-person
    • Closed (alcoholics only)
    • Women
    Closed women's meeting (alcoholics only)
    Hobart Women's Group
  • Attend in person
    Hobart City Church of Christ

    203 Liverpool St, Hobart TAS

    (opposite Straight Up Cafe).

    Off-street paid parking available at 6 Goulburn Street, $2 p/hr, maximum $6 all day

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday Noon AEDT

Saturday Noon AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 22nd February 12:00pm
    • Discussion
    From St Gillford Young College, turn into the church carpark. The hall is on the top at the right.

    Discussion meeting
    Glenorchy Saturday Group
  • Attend in person
    St John's Church

    62 Bowden St, Glenorchy TAS

    From St Gillford Young College, turn into the church carpark. The hall is on the top at the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday 6:00pm AEDT

  • In person meeting temporarily inactive
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

Saturday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 22nd February 6:00pm
    • Meditation
    1 hour meeting at Church of Apostles. Literature meeting followed by 5 minute meditation and then sharing.
  • Attend in person
    Church of the Apostles Launceston

    44 Margaret St, Launceston TAS

    Facing the church, go towards the left side of the church. There is an annex to the church, and the meeting is inside and first door to the right.

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday 6:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Saturday 22nd February 6:00pm
    • Daily Reflections
    As of 26th October 2024, this meeting will begin at 6pm and finish at 7pm
    Saturday Night Live Group